Health and Wellbeing Coaching

What is Health and Wellbeing coaching?

Health Coaching is a service offered to help create lasting change to improve a person’s well-being and overall health.

Each session is 45 – 60 minutes and normally over 6 sessions.  Designed to help you make positive lifestyle changes to develop the skills and take control of your own health.

self care isn't selfish


Health coaching is not about giving advice on how to improve your health.

People often have already received advice on how to make healthy changes in their life. They already know what changes to make, but circumstances make these changes difficult to start or keep up.

That’s where health coaching comes in. It helps to increase motivation, introduce healthy behaviours, and develop ways of living a healthier life in a way that works for you.


What can I help with?

Lowering weight

You may want to lower your weight due to health concerns or simply to feel more comfortable in their body. I will work with you to explore ideas, plan and put into action changes which are realistic and long lasting.

Healthier diet

A healthier diet can help manage health conditions and reduce risk of future ill health. We work together to identify what the reasons are behind a less healthy diet and find healthier alternatives.

More active lifestyle/exercise

Increasing activity can help improve quality of life, health, and wellbeing. However this can be difficult if you have a sedentary job, mobility issues or simply do not like physical activity. Health coaching helps you to look at increasing activity in your life in a way that suits them.

Reducing stress and low mood

Physical and mental health is interlinked, and difficulty in one area can often have an impact on the other.  I can help you identify tools and activities which may help to improve your psychological well-being.

Managing Health Conditions (Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, Stroke, Hypertension)

Lifestyle can have a dramatic impact on pre-existing health conditions. People who have received health advice for a condition but struggle to integrate this into their life may benefit from health coaching.

How do I access coaching?

Ask your GP or nurse to refer you or simply complete the online form

Self refer online


"My coach Julie D listened carefully to everything I had to say. She came up with interesting ways of helping me to relax and to manage things that had become a problem for me. Helping me to accept that I could actually say no to people helped me to start to do things that I actually wanted to do rather than what other people wanted me to do. I only saw Julie twice but I think that I was encouraged to see her at just the right time and I am very grateful that the surgery has such a facility."

"Emotionally very low, despite knowing how to change things; ie mood and weight management I was feeling very negative and unable to see a pathway to begin a positive and motivated attitude. Talking through issues allowed me to seek realistic solutions. Thank you."

"Very informative and gave me some great ideas that I hadn't thought of."

"I had an appointment to see Julie, I had no idea what to expect or even what her role was.  I was pleasantly surprised.  I felt very comfortable talking to Julie.  She was very understanding and extremely helpful."

"Enjoyed the session – not what I thought it would be – thought I was going to be told how to breathe and what I should be doing.  It’s good to be able to offload and been really helpful in way forward to becoming healthier."

"These sessions have helped to spur me on.  Thank you."

"I have a spring in my step – Finding the sessions useful to be able to talk."

"I couldn’t see my way forward to a healthier lifestyle and with your help I’ve been able to lose weight and feel good in myself."